How to Host a PHP MySQL Website on AWS EC2

Introduction In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of hosting a PHP MySQL website on Amazon AWS. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of services, including hosting services for websites and applications. Step 1: Set up an AWS Account The first step is to […]

PHP CRUD with Authentication

In last couple of posts, we discussed about CRUD and authentication using PHP and MySQL. Our example was an Address Book application. You can check back those posts here and here. Now its the time to combine the two and create a practical example. CRUD and authentication are very common tasks in web development. Most […]

PHP CRUD example with JS and CSS

In our previous blog, we created a simple CRUD application. To introduce some more features, we have created this new application. We have added CSS and JavaScript for better user interface. But the main code base is almost same. As in before, we will follow following steps to complete our application: Create Database and Table […]

Learn how to build a CRUD application with PHP and MySQL

In this example we will create a simple address book application to understand CRUD operations in PHP and MySQL. As you may already know that CRUD stands for Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete operations. We can use these operations to add, manipulate and delete database records. We will follow following steps to complete our application: […]